Our Services
Our clinic offers a variety of small and large animal services!
Check out those below, and call us for further information or to schedule an appointment.
Large Animal Services
Herd Health Checks/ Vaccinations
Pregnancy Checks
Equine Joint Injections
Mobile Radiographs
Veterinary Feed Directive Services
Coggins Testing
BVD In-House Testing
Foal IgG In-House Testing
In-House Bloodwork
Necropsies (post-mortem exams)
Ultrasound Services
Bovine and equine rectal ultrasound
As short as 28 day pregnancies
Fetal sexing from 58 - 85 days gestation
Fetal aging
Breeding management exams
Reproductive ultrasounds
Bovine lung scans
Allows the ability to scan lungs to evaluate for scar tissue, pneumonia
Small ruminant pregnancy scans
Greater than 30 days gestation
Swine pregnancy scans
Greater than 30 days gestation
Large Animal Surgery
Cosmetic Dehorns
Castrations/ Banding
Wound Repair
All emergencies will be taken on a case-by-case basis. Please call the clinic immediately if you have an emergency.
Small Animal Services
Wellness Exams/ Vaccines
Puppy/ Kitten Litter exams/ vaccines
Sick/ Senior Exams
Humane Euthanasia (In-House and House Calls offered)
Technician Appointments
In-House Diagnostics (bloodwork and urinalysis)
Wellness Exams
We want your pet to be as healthy as possible!
On top of the core vaccinations for your pet we also recommend year-round flea, tick, and heartworm prevention!
Canines Annual Recommendations
(DHLPP) Distemper / Parvo / Adenovirus / Parainfluenza / Leptospirosis
Rabies annually, then every 3 years
Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
Annual Heartworm and Tick Disease Testing
Feline Annual Recommendations
(FVRCP) Feline Rhinotracheitis- Calici- Panleukopenia
(FELV) Feline Leukemia
Rabies annually, then every 3 years
Small Animal Surgery
Full spay / neuter services
Adult Dewclaw Removal
Feline Front Declaws
Mass removals
Dental cleanings (+/- extractions)
Puppy tail docks/ dewclaw removal at or before 3-5 days of age
Cystotomies (bladder stone removal)
Gastropexies (stomach tack)
Cherry Eye Corrections
Entropion Repair
Emergency surgeries
Abdominal Exploratory